What herbs can be used to rejuvenate the female body

herbal decoction for rejuvenation

From time immemorial, herbs have been used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, as well as to preserve youthfulness, both internally and externally.

It is no secret that the decrease in skin elasticity and its aging occurs due to loss of moisture, cell death, slow recovery.

Herbs used for skin rejuvenation are designed, if not to prevent, then to slow down all these processes, to be a real storehouse of vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, immunomodulators and sources of moisture.

To achieve maximum effect, it is customary to use herbal preparations.

Used in the form of infusions and decoctions, they control the functioning of the body as a whole, and in the form of masks, lotions, tonics, creams, skincare, scrubs and baths, they restore healthy skin tone, turgor and tone.

Anti-aging absorption and herbal decoction

Herbs and dried herbs are best stored in a sealed paper bag in a dry, dark place.

When preparing an infusion or decoction, the herbs are mixed with boiling water and infused for a certain amount of time, but they are not boiled or stewed!

The resulting drink is filtered and taken in prescribed amounts either in the morning before meals or in the evening after all meals.

  1. Tibetan collection. Chamomile, St. John's wort. John, birch buds, immortelle in equal parts poured boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 500 ml of water. The resulting drink is divided into halves, honey is added and half is drunk before bedtime, and the second - in the morning 20 minutes before eating. For rejuvenation purposes, it is recommended to use daily for 1 month a year.
  2. Linden, sage, chamomile and horsetail in equal proportions, cooked in the form of a decoction, will help maintain hormonal balance. True, it is recommended to drink it three times a day.
  3. If you suffer from high blood pressure and you are advised to strengthen the vascular walls, tea from the petals of Sudanese roses (hibiscus) will come to the rescue. It also helps maintain overall body tone.
  4. Garlic. Few people know that this plant, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and has an action against free radicals, also serves as an excellent anti-aging agent. Its daily use provides a lasting rejuvenating effect.
herbal tincture for rejuvenation

What herbs to wipe the face for rejuvenation

What is remarkable is the fact that anti-aging herbal procedures can be said to be safe for external use, one only needs to take into account individual intolerances.

Before a rejuvenating herbal bath, you should wash yourself to remove dirt and grease.

  1. Calendula. This plant has antibacterial and anti-allergic properties, is used to treat many skin diseases and promotes the production of collagen in the skin, which helps maintain its turgor. This plant is used for washing and is advised to add to tea.
  2. Allantoin, which is part of comfrey, promotes the growth and renewal of skin cells, often added to cosmetic creams. You can make a face mask with it. Her recipe: cut comfrey leaves, add a teaspoon of sour cream or cream, mix everything. It should be a thick cream. Apply on clean skin for 10 minutes, then rinse.
  3. Aloe vera has long been considered magical in terms of rejuvenation. The plant gives the skin a healthy glow and smoothness, enhances the regeneration and hydration of skin cells. This is one of the most accessible facials.
  4. Astragalus root perfectly heals the body as a whole, and also fights withering. Usually, tea is prepared from the roots of this plant, which they drink, they also wash their faces or make ice cubes out of it, which they wash their faces.
  5. Ginkgo biloba. It contains many amino acids and plant collagen, which are essential for maintaining skin elasticity. This plant has bacterial and antifungal properties, which makes it a wonderful natural antiseptic. Ginkgo biloba can be used to make facial cleansers.
  6. The following herbs are suitable as a collection for bathing: chamomile (for the purpose of general disinfection of wounds and micro -cracks); rose petals (have a general rejuvenating effect); clover (smoothing the skin); tansy (relieves fatigue, swollen feet, improves well -being).
rejuvenating herbal baths

Facial skin rejuvenation with the help of herbs is used in the production of expensive cosmetic products and in salon cosmetology.

Women everywhere believe in herbal medicine as the safest.

Given the fact that the amount of useful plant extracts in the composition of ready -made products is minimal, it is more accurate and cheaper to use herbs for rejuvenation in home care.

The only thing to keep in mind is the location of the herbal collection: try to collect the ingredients away from the highway and definitely not in the city.

  1. St. John's wort, aloe, sea buckthorn, currant are the most suitable for facial rejuvenation - these plants fight free radicals well, and also contribute to better cell regeneration. Pomace from aloe vera leaves, cut and stored in the refrigerator for 10 days, is an order of magnitude more effective than fresh, because during wilting this plant actively produces unique biological substances that stimulate cell regrowth. A mask made from aloe leaves processed into gruel prepared in this way is an excellent anti-aging agent.
  2. If you have linden flowers, weed flowers and leaves, or mint leaves on hand, these ingredients will nourish and moisturize your skin as well as improve your skin. Chamomile is often added to the mix. Herbs are used in cold or hot form (heated in a water bath to body temperature) compresses than decoctions.
  3. Infusion of calendula, flax, oats and viburnum has a good anti-aging effect, smooth wrinkles, prevents new appearance, and also activates the production of elastin by skin cells.
  4. Rowan, wild rose, rhodiola, parsley are used as tonics for tired skin. The result of its use is freshness and radiance.
  5. For mature skin after 50 years, a mixture of blackcurrant leaves, St. John's wort. John, mountain ash is appropriate. The decoction is prepared in the usual way, applied in the form of tonics or compresses, and aloe vera, honey and chicken eggs can be added to the squeezed precipitate and applied on the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Based on butter and ponytail powder, you can prepare a face cream that is applied at night. To do this, mix 30 grams of butter and a few tablespoons of chopped herbs, melt the mixture in the oven, avoid boiling, and then cool, use before bedtime after cleansing the skin, store in the refrigerator for no more than five days.

The use of herbs given to us naturally to rejuvenate the skin and body as a whole is the most budget and, at the same time, the most reasonable way to maintain youthfulness from the inside out.

We just need to remember that, as a medicine, many plants have indications and contraindications. There must be measure in everything!